Hollywood Arensberg: Arriving at the House
Please join me and my co-authors—William H. Sherman and Ellen Hoobler—for a discussion moderated by Getty Research Institute Director Mary Miller on 9 March 2021. This virtual presentation, part 2 of the Getty’s The Arensbergs in Hollywood Discussion Series, is titled The Arensbergs in Hollywood: Arriving at the House. The program will include three short films created by Tumbleweed Films and narrated by Jonathan Browning that provide the first glimpses of the wonderful (and nearly complete) restoration to 7065 Hillside Avenue that Browning and his partner Marco Heithaus have undertaken over the past four years. We hope you can attend!
—Mark Nelson
Update: This presentation aired on 9 March as planned. It can be seen here.
Left: The Henry Palmer Sabin–designed foyer, 7065 Hillside Avenue, Los Angeles, after September 25 but before October 12, 1948. Photograph by Floyd Faxon. Philadelphia Museum of Art, Library and Archives, Arensberg Archives (PMA-WLA), box 54. Constantin Brancusi, Arch, ca. 1914–16, and Princess X, 1915–16: © Succession Brancusi – All rights reserved (ARS) 2020. Right: Mark Nelson discusses the renovation of 7065 Hillside Avenue with Kara Kirk, Getty Publisher, January 2020. Photograph by David Zaza